Sunday, March 10, 2013

"To This Day" A Spoken Word Poem by Shane Koyczan

Whatch/Listen to the poem here.
(You have to scroll down a little bit, but the video is there.)

a) This poem follows the story of many people who were bullied in school and details their troubles and agony.  It also points out that this is still going on and it needs to be stopped.

b) The theme of this poem is that bullying is not only wrong, but it has limitless effects on the victim, and that it can be stopped.  The theme was not burried deep into the poem like others, and I belive that that adds to the importance of the message because it was so easy to understand.

Personal Connection:
     This is one of my favorite poems just because of the way it was able to move me so much.  The way the volume builds and suddenly falls back to a normal speaking level.  I also like the fact that the poet knew how important his messasge was so he did not hide it.

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